Romberger's Farm Whole-Half Hog Prices

Approximate cost for a Two Hundred Lb. (200 Lb.)

Hog paid to Romberger's Farm is $ 420.00 ($2.10) per Lb. Hanging Weight) 

Bryan's Meat Cutting & Country Butcher Shop Ph. 570-596-3334

All processing is done by and at Bryan's Meat Cutting.

Bryan's Charges

Slaughtering / Rendering Waste Products $50.00 (per whole Hog)

Cutting - Wrapping & Freezing --- Vac Seal $.80 Lb. ($160)

Smoked Meat..........$1.25 Lb.......$50 (Whole Hog(approximately for 40 Lbs. - Ham Bacon)

Bulk Sausage.....................$1.00 Lb. Additional

Breakfast Sausage Patties....$1.75 Lb. Additional

Breakfast Finger Links.......$1.75 Lb. Additional

Italian Link Sausage...........$1.75 Lb. Additional

Whole Hog ..............................$260.00

Approximate price per lb. $3.40

Note:  This above price is an approximate calculation, the costs may change.

These above costs also include the price paid to Bryan's Meat Cutting for preparing the hog.

Roaster Hogs are also available upon request as ordered ahead!

*The final price for a whole hog is without the price you pay for the hog with sausage.

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